Australia's top 10 export markets (A$ million)
Goods Services Total % share Rank
China 77,973 6,662 84,635 28.1 1
Japan 46,481 2,101 48,582 16.1 2
Republic of Korea 19,116 1,698 20,814 6.9 3
United States 9,022 5,507 14,529 4.8 4
India 11,418 1,844 13,262 4.4 5
New Zealand 7,309 3,559 10,868 3.6 6
Singapore 6,420 3,584 10,004 3.3 7
United Kingdom 5,520 3,927 9,447 3.1 8
Taiwan 7,531 647 8,178 2.7 9
Malaysia 5,197 1,663 6,860 2.3 10
Total exports 249,088 52,411 301,499 100.0
Australia's top 10 import sources (A$ million)
Goods Services Total % share Rank
China 44,478 1,864 46,342 14.5 1
United States 27,980 11,375 39,355 12.3 2
Japan 18,346 2,302 20,648 6.5 3
Singapore 14,329 4,626 18,955 5.9 4
Thailand 11,129 2,433 13,562 4.2 5
Germany 10,930 1,465 12,395 3.9 6
United Kingdom 6,365 5,201 11,566 3.6 7
Malaysia 8,936 1,274 10,210 3.2 8
New Zealand 7,068 2,980 10,048 3.1 9
Republic of Korea 9,214 454 9,668 3.0 10
Total imports 255,391 63,959 319,350 100.0
Australia's top 10 imports, goods and services (A$ million)
Rank Commodity 2012-13
1 Personal travel (excl education) services 21,990
2 Crude petroleum 20,187
3 Passenger motor vehicles 17,330
4 Refined petroleum 16,854
5 Freight transport services 9,144
6 Telecom equipment & parts 8,916
7 Medicaments (incl veterinary) 8,051
8 Goods vehicles 7,698
9 Passenger transport services 7,151
10 Computers 6,650
Australia's top 10 exports, goods and services, (A$ million)
Rank Commodity 2012-13
1 Iron ore & concentrates 57,082
2 Coal 38,640
3 Gold 15,301
4 Education-related travel services 14,461
5 Natural gas 14,271
6 Personal travel (excl education) services 12,583
7 Crude petroleum 9,719
8 Wheat 6,750
9 Aluminium ores & conc (incl alumina) 5,565
10 Copper ores & concentrates 5,352
The Current exchange rate is $0.93 AUD for $1 USD. This value has fluctuated between about 0.86 and 1.04 over the last year.
Australia is one of two countries to have over 25% of current residents born outside of its borders. Immigrants make up 26.8% of the population, at a total of 5,993,945. Most of the immigrants come from nearby countries like China and New Zealand, but there are a large number of Europeans, especially from the United Kingdom.
Largely, those leaving Australia were born in a different country, and are returning to their country of origin. In 2012-2013, 91,737 people left Australia. of these, only 43,423 were Australian-born. Most of these people went to the United Kingdom, United States, and New Zealand.
Australia's main ally is New Zealand, through the ANZAC agreements, with the United States in second. Australia is also a member of the United Nations. Economically, Australia has free trade agreements with China, South Korea, the United States, New Zealand, and Chile.
Australia has had little by way of military conflicts, though they have sent troops to aid in the United States, and other military actions.